MATLAB: Do I receive the message “MATLAB only supports a screen depth of 16 or higher” when I start MATLAB 7.0.4 (R14SP2) on Windows NT


When I start MATLAB, I receive the following message:
ERROR: MATLAB only supports a screen depth of 16 or higher (Truecolor.) MATLAB is running in headless mode. Figure windows will not be displayed.

Best Answer

This is the expected behavior. MATLAB 7.0.4 (R14SP2) supports a screen depth of 16 or higher.
To work around this issue, set your screen depth to be at least 2^16 (65536) colors. This can be done on a Windows machine from the Display Properties dialog box-> Settings Tab->Color quality drop down box.
For more information regarding MATLAB and OpenGL capable graphics adapter see the "Graphics" section at the following URL: