MATLAB: Do I receive errors when using the LINPROG function in the Optimization Toolbox for a dense linear algebra problem

Optimization Toolbox

I run the following code:
load DataFile % you can find this file in the attachment
options = optimset(options, 'Display','iter');
I receive the following error message:
??? Error using ==> mtimes
Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in ==> optim\private\lipsol>sherman at 1475
tmp = U * (Mdense \ (U' * x));
Error in ==> optim\private\lipsol>densol at 1422
[x,Mdense,Rinf] = sherman(P,U,b,flag,Mdense,perm,Rinf);
Error in ==> optim\private\lipsol at 684
[x,Sherman_OK,Mdense,Rinf,cgiter] = ...
Error in ==> linprog at 212
[x,fval,lambda,exitflag,output] =

Best Answer

This is a bug in the way that the LINPROG function in Optimization Toolbox handles dense columns in large scale constraint matrices.
To work around this issue, try the medium-scale simplex algorithm. Use OPTIMSET to set the "LargeScale" option to 'off' and the "Simplex" option to 'on', as shown below:
options = optimset(options, 'Display','iter','LargeScale','off','simplex','on');
To use the medium-scale algorithm involving the QPSUB function, just set the "LargeScale" option to "off":
options = optimset(options, 'Display','iter','LargeScale','off');