MATLAB: Do I receive “Error:Could not start the daemon” while configuring Polyspace Server Remote Verification

MATLABMATLAB Parallel ServerPolyspace Bug FinderPolyspace Bug Finder ServerPolyspace Code ProverPolyspace Code Prover Server

I receive the below error when starting the Polyspace Daemon on the Polyspace Server :
Error:Could not start the daemon
The log file has the below :
The cause of the problem is:
Unknown host: Hostname
Error: Cannot start Polyspace Job Manager

Best Answer

This error can occur if the host name cannot be automatically resolved.
As a workaround, navigate to the mdce_def file in the location : $MATLAB\R2018a\toolbox\distcomp\bin (where $ is the location where MATLAB is installed).
Manually override the HOSTNAME by specifying the Polyspace Server Hostname in the line that has set HOSTNAME=%strHostname%.%strDomain%.
Note : Please follow the instructions in the mdce_def file to comment out the lines that are not required.