MATLAB: Do I receive an error when exporting a figure in MATLAB 6.5 (R13) after installing the patch for Jaguar OS X 10.2


Why do I receive an error when exporting a figure in MATLAB 6.5 (R13) after installing the patch for Jaguar OS X 10.2?
I installed the patch for Jaguar OS X 10.2 on my Mac. When trying to print or export a figure in MATLAB 6.5 (R13), I receive the following error:
??? Undefined function or variable 'ispuma'.
Error in ==> /Applications/MATLAB6p5/toolbox/local/printopt.m
On line 66 ==> if ispuma, pcmd = 'Print -Mps'; end
Error in ==> /Applications/MATLAB6p5/toolbox/matlab/uitools/printdlg.m
On line 786 ==> [cmd, defDevice] = printopt;
Error in ==> /Applications/MATLAB6p5/toolbox/matlab/uitools/printdlg.m
On line 714 ==> [optKeys, optVals, driverList] = LocalGetPrintOptions(
Data.Fig );
Error in ==> /Applications/MATLAB6p5/toolbox/matlab/uitools/printdlg.m
On line 464 ==> if LocalJavaPrintDlg( Data, Dlgname )
Error in ==> /Applications/MATLAB6p5/toolbox/matlab/uitools/printdlg.m
On line 100 ==> Dlg=LocalInitFig(Data);
??? Error while evaluating uimenu Callback.
>> ??? Undefined function or variable 'ispuma'.
??? ??? Undefined function or variable 'ispuma'.
Error: Missing variable or function.
Is this a bug in the patch for Jaguar?

Best Answer

This occurred due to the installation of the Jaguar patch for MATLAB 6.5 (R13) on the Mac.
The solution is to execute the following command at the MATLAB prompt:
rehash toolboxcache
The source of the problem is that your installation of MATLAB has toolbox path caching enabled. While this is a great feature for reducing startup time, it requires that you are aware of when you are modifying your toolbox directories. For more information, type "help toolbox_path_cache" at the MATLAB prompt.
When the Jaguar patch was installed, it made modifications to the toolbox directories. Since MATLAB is using the cached path, it is not aware of these modifications in the cache. Therefore, you need to update the toolbox path cache on the disk in order to make the modifications available to MATLAB.