MATLAB: Do I receive an error related to expiration date when application compiled with a Trial version of MATLAB Compiler is deployed to the end user

datedemoexpirationlimitationMATLAB Compilertrial

I used the DEPLOYTOOL with the MCR installer to create an install package
and distributed the packaged application to an end user. When running the EXE-file from a command prompt, the application works fine for a few weeks and then the end user encounters the following error:
This MATLAB file has reached its expiration date. "c:\tools\ASAP2_Creator_mcr\toolbox\compiler\deploy\matlabrc.m"

Best Answer

This problem occurs if the deployed application was compiled using a trial version of the MATLAB Compiler. When an executable is a created using a trial version of the MATLAB Compiler, the executable works for a duration of 30 days from the creation date of the executable.
Please check if this executable was created using a trial version of the MATLAB Compiler. If this is the case, then you would need to re-compile the original source code using a regular (non-trial) version of the MATLAB Compiler and re-deploy the application to the end user.