MATLAB: Do I receive an error on firing events to ‘ax_block_click’ when renaming a Dials and Gauges 1.1.2 (R13) block

activexanddialsgaugesGauges Blocksetregister

After renaming a Dials & Gauges Generic Toggle block, the ActiveX control gives the following error upon mouse activation:
??? Error using ==> c:/matlab6p5/toolbox/matlab/winfun/comcli/private/comeventcallback
Error firing events to 'ax_block_click'
No appropriate method or public field Handle for class COM.mwtoggle.togglectrl.1.
??? Error occurred while evaluating listener callback.

Best Answer

This is a bug in the Dials and Gauges Blockset 1.1.2 (R13).
As a workaround, after renaming your block, you can then cut and paste the block back into the model.