MATLAB: Do I receive a warning message from GETNAMESPACE in OPC Toolbox 2.0.3 (R2006b)

opcopc toolbox

I am running the following code to test communication and data retrieving through OPC Toolbox:
%%info about the OPC servers installed on the host XXX
info = opcserverinfo('localhost')
%%create an OPC data access object
da = opcda('localhost',char(info.ServerID));
%%connect the OPC data access object
%%get the connection Status
Hier_NS = getnamespace(da,'hierarchical')
After the GETNAMESPACE function, which asks what is the namespace for a certain client object in hierarchical format, I get this unexpected warning message:
Warning: The use of the 'hierarchical' argument is no longer required. GETNAMESPACE now returns a hierarchical namespace by default.
while the documentation page "Browsing the OPC Server Name Space" states:
By default, the getnamespace function flattens a hierarchical name space. If you wish to obtain the name space in a hierarchical format you can pass an additional parameter, 'hierarchical', to the getnamepsace function.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 2007b (R2007b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This is the expected behavior of the GETNAMESPACE function. The warning is intended to notify users of the change in the default behavior of the GETNAMESPACE function.
Here is additional information on the GETNAMESPACE function of OPC Toolbox 2.0.3 (R2006b) within the section "Browsing the OPC Server Name Space":
The use of the ''hierarchical'' argument is no longer required. GETNAMESPACE now returns a hierarchical namespace by default.
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