MATLAB: Do I get an error when I run the Simulink model that contains the OPC Read block from the OPC Toolbox 2.0 (R14SP2+)

opcopc toolboxopcslreadtoolbox

I have a model that contains an OPC Read block from the OPC Toolbox 2.0 (R14SP2+). When I run my model, I receive the following error:
Error evaluating registered method 'Start' of M-S-function 'opcslread' in 'modelname/OPC Configuration/_Group0'.Could not create all items for block
'modelname/OPC Configuration/_Group0'.

Best Answer

This error is received when it is not possible to create an OPC Data Access item object for one or more items specified via the Simulink "OPC Read" block.
To see the names of the offending items, try to create the client, group and items in MATLAB (using OPCDA, ADDGROUP and ADDITEM respectively) and then import them from the MATLAB workspace by clicking on the "import from Workspace..." tab of the OPC Read dialog.
When using the OPC Read bock to create Data Access Items, it is preferable to use the tree structure to create items instead of entering the name since you may receive errors if there is a case mismatch. For example, the data access item object named
is a valid name, whereas the data access object named
is an invalid name.
If you want to continue using the block as it is, and have the non-creatable items stay at zero, you should switch the "Items not available on server" option to "warn" or "none" in the "Error Control" pane of the OPC Configuration block.