MATLAB: Do I receive a SegV when I copy or cut in the MATLAB 7.0.4 (R14SP2)


When I attempt to copy, or cut text either in the MATLAB Editor or MATLAB Command Window I receive a thread exception.
This also occurs when I attempt to change directories using the MATLAB Desktop drop-down list box.

Best Answer

There may be a conflict between the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) version 1.5 and the Java Security Manager.
If you are running MATLAB 7.0.4 (R14SP2), try changing the JVM the previous version used by MATLAB (JVM 1.4.2).
Perform the following steps:
1. Download and install JVM version 1.4.2 from SunMicrosystems.
2. Click on "Settings" in the Windows Start Menu.
3. Choose the "Control Panel".
4. Click on "System".
5. Click on the "Advanced" tab then the "Environment Variables" button.
6. Add a new environment variable by clicking on the "New" button and entering "MATLAB_JAVA" into the "Variable name" field. You can add this environment variable to either the User variables or System variables. The System variables persist between users.
7. Enter the path where the newly installed JVM is located into the "Variable value" field.
8. Click "Ok" to dismiss the variable editor dialog box.
9. Click "Ok" to submit the environment variables to Windows.
10. Start MATLAB 7.0.4 (R14SP2).
11. Enter
version -java
at the MATLAB 7.0.4 (R14SP2) Command Prompt. Confirm that the Java version is now 1.4.2.