MATLAB: Are later versions of the GCC C/C++ compiler (3.3.x to 4.0.0) supported for MATLAB Compiler 4.2 (R14SP2)

3.3.xcompilergcclaterlinuxMATLAB Compilersupportversions

I would like to use the latest GCC C/C++ compilers with MATLAB Compiler 4.2 (R14SP2).

Best Answer

The latest version of the GCC/G++ compiler supported by MATLAB 7.0.4 (R14SP2) is version 3.2.3. We are working on making the MATLAB Compiler compatible with GCC C/C++ compiler versions later than 3.2.3. Currently, there is no timeframe on when the support will be extended.
The following URL lists the supported compilers for MATLAB 7.0.4 (R14SP2):