MATLAB: Do I receive a “./MCRInstaller.bin: 1: bc: not found” error when I try to install the MCR silently on Linux

bcMATLAB Compilermcrinstaller.binsilent

I try to make a silent installation of the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) on Linux using the following command:
resin@tv-des-tore:~$ ./MCRInstaller.bin -silent
But I receive the following error message: ./MCRInstaller.bin: 1: bc: not found
[: 1: Illegal number:

Best Answer

The InstallShied application on Linux depends on a utility called 'bc'.
To workaround this issue, install the utility 'bc'.
Use the following command to install this utility:
sudo apt-get install bc
Note that the above link talks about Mandrake, but is relevant to any other Linux distributions.