MATLAB: Installing license manager on Linux

license managerlinuxsilent mode install

I'm trying to install the license manager on our linux server. I have downloaded the linux 32-bit distribution of Matlab 2011a, and went ahead and set the installation to silent mode and install license manager only.
Here is the error I get when I try to run the installation:
> sudo ./install -inputFile my_installer_input.txt
Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: …/matlab2011a_glnx86/bin/glnx86/ …/matlab2011a_glnx86/bin/glnx86/ file too short
Is there anyway to fix this?

Best Answer

According to this thread I just found, the symlinks were turned into text files in the zipping process, so I had to execute the following commands to make it work:
>cd bin/glnxa86
>rm && ln -s
I hope the current linux distributions of Matlab are being fixed so they work out of the tarbox.