MATLAB: Do I receive a host id error “cannot find Host ID” when using a combined network license to install MATLAB 8.2 (R2013b)


I newly bought two concurrent licenses, one for MATLAB Parallel Server and the other is MATLAB, PCT and other products. To simplify the installation, I combined the two activated license file(license.lic) together and used the new file to install the network license manager on the same server. But I got "cannot find Host ID" error after specifying the license file and click 'Next'. If I delete content of either license, it works fine. What should I do to make the other license recognized by the license manager?

Best Answer

This is an intended behavior in the installer of MATLAB 8.2 (R2013b) in the way that installer handles combined network license file. To work around this issue, you have two options. One is to install the network license manager with one network license only, and then add content of other network licenses into the generated license file. The other is to keep only one HostID comment line from the activated license files.
To install with one license only and then add other licenses, please refer to the following steps:
1. Install license manager with one network license.
2. Concatenate the license files. Make sure that all licenses have been generated to the correct hostid or ethernet address of the license server. Then add the content of other license files not used during installation to generated license file license.dat (located in $MATLAB\etc by default, where $MATLAB is your root MATLAB directory).
3. Restart the license service, referring to the Related Solution1-18PYZ: "How do I start or stop the Network License Manager?"
Delete HostID comments from the combined license file. To make it work in installer, the combined license file should look as follows: (note, only one HostID should be in the comment lines, which starts with '#')
# BEGIN--------------BEGIN--------------BEGIN
# MathWorks license passcode file.
# END-----------------END-----------------END
# BEGIN--------------BEGIN--------------BEGIN
# MathWorks license passcode file.
# END-----------------END-----------------END
  • NOTE: Starting in R2019a the following name changes occurred:
  • MATLAB Distributed Computing Server was renamed to MATLAB Parallel Server
  • mdce_def was renamed to mjs_def
  • mdce binary was renamed to mjs