MATLAB: Do I receive a ‘Desktop login is not supported in this environment’ error when submitting to the MATLAB Parallel Server cluster running on Amazon EC2

Parallel Computing Toolbox

Why do I receive a 'Desktop login is not supported in this environment' error when submitting to my MATLAB Parallel Server cluster running on Amazon EC2?

Best Answer

It is possible to submit using your MATLAB Parallel Server EC2 profile when running MATLAB without a display. In order to do so, however, you must first launch normally and cache your login credentials.
  • Launch MATLAB
  • Submit using your EC2 profile (or run a validation for this profile)
  • When prompted to enter your MathWorks credentials, make sure to check the box labelled
  • Once submission or validation finishes, close MATLAB
  • Restart MATLAB without a display
You should now be able to submit to the cluster running on EC2 without use of the MATLAB desktop.
NOTE: Starting in R2019a the following name changes occurred: * MATLAB Distributed Computing Server was renamed to MATLAB Parallel Server * mdce_def was renamed to mjs_def * mdce binary was renamed to mjs