MATLAB: Do I have an error message when I try to start polyspaced daemon using Polyspace server

launcherpolyspacePolyspace Code ProverPolyspace Code Prover ServerPolyspace Server for Adapolyspacedremote

After having pushed 'Start Daemon' button using 'Polyspace Remote Launcher Manager' interface, I obtain the following message:
=> The configuration is now correct.
Installing the polyspaced service...
Error: Unable to install the "polyspaced" service
| The account name is invalid or does not exist, or the password is invalid for the account name specified.

Best Answer

Installing Queue Manager service on a Windows machine requires an existing login account on the machine. This account could be a local account or a domain account. It necessitates administration rights on the machine.
Moreover, when it is a domain login account, 'username used to start the service' field needs to be filled with the domain name: [domain name]\[login account name]. In the picture below with a login account 'cbard' on a domain called MATHWORKS has been filled in the username field: