MATLAB: Do I get an error message when creating a S-Function block from a subsystem containing the Rate Limiter block when using Real Time Workshop 4.1 (R12.1)

4.1blockfixed-stepidentifierlimiterratertws-functionscopesimulink codersolvertargettlcvalid

Why do I get an error message when creating a S-Function block from a subsystem containing the Rate Limiter block when using Real Time Workshop 4.1 (R12.1)?
I get the following error when I try to generate a S-function from a subsystem that has the Rate Limiter Block in it.
error: ==> make_rtw
error: ==> tlc_c (LocalInvokeTLC)
Error(D:\MATLAB6p1\rtw\c\tlc\blocklib.tlc):198 - The left-hand side of
a . operator must be a valid scope identifier
The solver was set to Variable-Step. However, when the solver option is set to 'Fixed Step', the S-function can be created from the subsystem.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in the Simulink/RTW Patch version 4.1.1 (R12.1+) and later versions. If you are current on maintenance, you may download an updated version from our website at the following address: