MATLAB: Do BODE or MARGIN plots not appear correctly when using Notebook


When using MATLAB Notebook for creating and importing BODE or MARGIN plots the resulting graphs are not displayed. The axes of the figure is displayed but the words "Bode Diagram" is shown and not the actual bode plot itself. This feature worked in MATLAB Notebook 6.1 (R12.1).
This can be reproduced using any transfer function within MATLAB Notebook.
F=tf([1],[1/625 1/25*1/8 1]);

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 (R14). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This is a bug in MATLAB Notebook 6.5 (R13) that our development staff is currently investigating.
You can try either of the two following workarounds:
1. Cut and paste MATLAB BODE and MARGIN plots directly into Word.
2. Type the following:
The 'figure' command will cause MATLAB to render a blank figure. The Notebook will use this figure, which, since it is visible, should render properly into the Notebook.