MATLAB: Distinguish between lines and spots in a grayscale image

bwconncompImage Processing Toolboxregionprops

Hi everyone,
I have to find a way to distinguish between lines and spots in a grayscale image like the one below, marking them with different colours (i.e. red for lines and blue for spots). My problem is that everything is mixed up and it is difficult to divide lines from everything else. Any ideas?
I would very thankful if you could help me!

Best Answer

Hi, what are all those tiny dots around the center of the image? In the center, you clearly have some lines. You could do the following to distinguish the lines:
b = double(imread('tomo.png'))/255;
a = rgb2gray(b);
H1 = fspecial('sobel');
H2 = H1';
mag = sqrt( hor.^2 + ver.^2 );
ori = atan(ver./hor);
mag_pi = mag./pi;
mask1 = (mag_pi>=0.2);
lines = medfilt2(mask1,[5 5]);
imagesc(a); colormap gray;
imagesc(lines); colormap gray
Well, this solution is based on edge detection. What you could also do is tho find the skeleton of those lines using skiz
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