MATLAB: Displaying Specific Rows with Non-zero values


I created the following code to create variable names for my solution (Zvalues) to an MILP problem. (Zvalues are binary)
[Z1,Z2] = meshgrid(1:i,1:m);
Ztitle = [Z1(:),Z2(:),Zvalues(:)];
fprintf(' Z%d%d %d\n',Ztitle.')
It works pretty fine. When I run it, it gives the following response:
Z11 0
Z12 0
Z13 1
Z21 0
Z22 1
Z23 0
Z31 0
Z32 1
Z33 0
The "Zvalues" column includes answers for my variables. However, I want to only display nonzero values of Zvalues vector. So, for this case, I want to acquire following:
Z13 1
Z22 1
Z32 1
Thanks for any recommendation.

Best Answer

Change your fprintf call to:
fprintf(' Z%d%d %d\n',Ztitle(Ztitle(:,3)~=0,:).')
That should do what you want.