MATLAB: Display Image in separate figure in app designer


Hey there,
I want to display an image in app desginer like I would do it in this way:
[filename,pathname] = uigetfile({'*.*';'*.jpg';'*.tif';'*.gif';'*.png'},'Select Image');
i = imread([pathname,filename]);
f1 = figure;
I tried many ways to do it, but it won't work.
app.f1 = uifigure;
app.im1 = uiimage(app.f1);
app.i1 = imshow(app.i,'Parent',app.im1);
Also i need a default toolbar and menu, which the figure in app designer does not have.

Best Answer

You can still call figure() in your code to bring up a separate figure, separate from your main GUI that you built with App Designer.