MATLAB: Disp() not showing the value of the variable


I am trying to at the end of a program have it display the # of jumbles solved and # of jumbles attempted.
I have it set up as
a=['# jumbles attempted: ',attempts];
s=['# jumbles solved: ',words_solved];
attempts and words_solved are variables that are previously defined within the script.
In a scenario where at the time this part of the code runs attempts = 1 and words_solved = 0, I am receiving this output
(# jumbles attempted: .)
(# jumbles solved: .) (output doesn't actually show these parenthesis)
I'm not sure why the values aren't displaying as I have a disp() earlier in my program set up in the exact same structure that works fine.
For reference (this one works how it is supposed to):
x = ['The word was ',correctWord,'.'];
disp(x) %displays the original word

Best Answer

The reason is, one of your argument is a decimal number and the other one is a string, try to convert decimal number into string using 'num2str()' function and then print it, it will work fine.
For example, do a=['# jumbles attempted: ',num2str(attempts)];
Alternatively you can use other matlab function to print a formatted string as an output,
For exapmle you can do disp(sprintf('# jumbles attempted %d', attempts));