MATLAB: Disable the Formatting Syntax in a Text Log File

formatlogtext file

I'm calling a Matlab script from windows command line and generate the log as a text file:
matlab -r "run C:\Code\DailyProcess.m;" -logfile "DailyProcessLog.txt"
The log file indeed contains whatever information you'll see in the command window should you run the script directly in Matlab. However, it also gives you the formatting language like this:
In <a href="matlab: opentoline('C:\Code\DailyProcess.m',21,1)">DailyProcess at 21</a>
You see that "<a href="matlab:" stuff is really annoying (I see a couple of lines like this). Is there a way to disable the formatting syntax in a log file and simply output a plain text file?
I'm using Matlab 2013b in Windows 7. The reason to call matlab from command line is because I need to schedule the job in Windows Task Scheduler.

Best Answer

You can try the undocumented switch
feature('HotLinks', 'off');
Another idea is to clean the logfile afterwards.
I do not use the output to the command line for logging, but forward every message, which should appear in the logs to a dedicated function, which write copies to the command line and to a file.