MATLAB: How to create a hyperlink in the MATLAB Command Window


I would like to programatically create a hyperlink in the MATLAB Command Window, similar to the one I see when I execute
doc plot
at the MATLAB command prompt.

Best Answer

Hyperlinks can be created at the MATLAB Command Prompt using the matlab colon notation, with the following syntax:
disp('<a href="matlab: statement_1; statement_2;">hyperlink_text</a>')
As an example, the following line demonstrates creating a hyperlink to point to the documentation page for the PLOT command:
disp('<a href="matlab: doc plot; ">Click here for plot documentation</a>')
Documentation for this functionality in releases R2010b and before is available under the topic 'matlabcolon' in the MATLAB Help Menu or by executing at the MATLAB command prompt:
doc matlabcolon