MATLAB: Directing error messages to GUI textbox

error handlinggui development

I have code that was originally written to output into the command window and am trying to build an interface for it. I have two text boxes in the interface textbox1 for program status updates and textbox2 for error messages. All of my error handling is written in the form of:
Parse_err = Mexception('verifyInput:InvalidMax', ...
'Invalid max value entered. Please check input file and
enter a valid value. ');
What would be the best method to go about using to redirect these outputs into my GUI textbox versus the command window?

Best Answer

Try this
warningMessage = sprintf('...... whatever you want.....
set(handles.textbox2, 'String', warningMessage); % Onto GUI
uiwait(warndlg(warningMessage)); % Pop up message.