MATLAB: Problem in retreiveng textbox string in uicontrol created dialog


I have the following function, which creates a dialog with two textboxex (Textbox1 and Textbox2 and a checkbox). I would like two things to happen as I type text in Textbox 1:
  • toggle the checkbox
  • programatically copy the text from Textbox1 to Textbox2
Toggling the checkbox always works, however programatically copying the same text in Textbox 2 only works if I add a breakpoint in the Textbox_callback function. If I do not add this breakpoint, then Textbox2 will only display the "original text" text each time I change the text in Textbox1.
What am I doing wrong?
function choosedialog
d = dialog('Position',[300 300 250 200],'Name','Serial Number');
Textbox1 = uicontrol('Parent',d,...
'Position',[20 100 210 40],...
'String','original text',...
ck1 = uicontrol('Parent',d,...
'Position',[20 150 210 40],...
Textbox2 = uicontrol('Parent',d,...
'Position',[20 40 210 40],...
%focus automatically on textbox
% Wait for d to close before running to completion
function Textbox_callback(Textbox1,event)
ck1.Value = ~ck1.Value;
Textbox2.String = Textbox1.String;
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