MATLAB: Delete specific rows from character array

delete the characterdelete the row

I have this matrix:
A =
I want to write a code to delete the asterisk(*) and semicolon(;) as the first and last characters of each row. I also want to define a new matrix in which I desire to only have the rows with the long number of characters, e.g. '*8da9b9e39909762fb8044bfc9b90;'. I appreciate your help.

Best Answer

Using the regular expression, it can be done easily, like:
A ={'*8da9b9e39909762fb8044bfc9b90;',...
% Delete first '*' character
A1 = regexprep(A,'^\*','');
% Delete last ';' character
A2 = regexprep(A,'\;$','');