MATLAB: Delete rows of an A matrix using another B matrix


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I have a problem !!!!! I have a matrix A of size N * 3 and I have a matrix B of size M * 3, the matrix B consists of rows of matrix A.
I am looking for a matrix C containing the other rows of A, for example, the matrix A containing 7 rows and B containing the rows 1,3,7 so I am looking for a matrix C that containing the lines 2,4, 5 6 , Is there a function on matlab that does that?

Best Answer

Without your matrices, an actual illustration is not possible.
I would use the ismembertol (link) function, with the 'ByRows' option.
select = ismembertol(A,B,0.1,'ByRows',1)
C = A(~select,:)
Experiment to get the result you want.