MATLAB: Define a variable from an equation

define a variable from an equation

I have an equation with x and y are variable and a, b and d are constant.
with x =[1:1:10];
How to define y variable?

Best Answer

As I posted in your earlier question,
y1 = @(b, d, x) -b .* (exp(-(2/3) .* lambertw(-3 .* (b.^3 ./ a.^2).^(1/2) .* d.^3 ./ x.^3)) .* d.^2 - x.^2) ./ x.^2
y2 = @(b, d, x) -b .* (exp(-(2/3) .* lambertw(3 .* (b.^3 ./ a.^2).^(1/2) .* d.^3 ./ x.^3)) .* d.^2 - x.^2) ./ x.^2;
Now use y1(b, d, 1:10) and y2(b, d, 1:10)
Note: you will need the Symbolic Toolbox for lambertw, but see also