MATLAB: How to match matrix dimensions

concatenated matricesvertcat

I am making a silly mistake, I am sure, in matching my matrix dimensions. If anyone can spot what I am doing wrong it would be appreciated.
Here is the code to calculate 6 simultaneous equations with 6 unknown variables:
function F = correlation3;
X = [259, 266, 298, 322, 310, 339, 398];
Y = [64.6, 65.48, 65.28, 65.66, 65.86, 65.83, 65.37];
Z = [-42, -35.8, -24.8, -16, -19.7, -9.5 -1];
X2 = X .* X; %Used to simplify the matrix notation within
X3 = X2 .* X; %the while loop.
Y2 = Y .* Y;
Y3 = Y2 .* Y;
Z2 = Z .* Z;
q = [X3 .* X, X3, X2 .* Y2, X2 .* Y, X3 .* Y, X2;
X3, X2, X .* Y2, Y.* X, X2 .* Y, X;
X2 .* Y2, X .* Y2, Y3 .* Y, Y3, Y3 .* X, Y2;
X2 .* Y, X .* Y, Y3, Y2, X .* Y2, Y;
X3 .* Y, X2 .* Y, Y3 .* X, X .* Y2, X2 .* Y2, Y .* X;
X2, X, Y2, Y, Y .* X, 1];
p = [X2.*Z; X.*Z; Y2.*Z; Y.*Z; Y.*Z; Z2];
A, B, C, D, E, F=q\p
The error I am presented with is:
"Error using vertcat Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent.
Error in correlation3 (line 13) q = [X3 .* X, X3, X2 .* Y2, X2 .* Y, X3 .* Y, X2;"

Best Answer

hi Jackie,
The mistake is obvious, its the last component 1, replace it with