MATLAB: Default parameters for net.trainParam and net.trainFcn – Neural Network Toolbox

Deep Learning Toolboxneural network toolboxnewff function

I do not have access to the Matlab Neural Network toolbox at this time. What are the default parameters of net.trainParam and net.trainFcn if you create a network by the newff.m function, say, net = newff(feature_vector, output_vector, num_hidden_nodes), and if you train the output network with the train.m function, i.e. [net, tr, Y, E, Pf, Af] = train(net, feature_vector, output_vector)?

Best Answer

[inputs,targets] = simplefit_dataset;
net = newff(inputs,targets,5)
% Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
% inputs 1x94 752 double
% targets 1x94 752 double
trainFcn = net.trainFcn % 'trainlm' (Levenberg-Marquardt)
mingrad = net. trainParam.min_grad % 1e-5
mu = % 1e-3
mudec = net. trainParam.mu_dec % 0.1
muinc = net.trainparam.mu_inc % 10
mumax = net.trainParam. .mu_max % 1e10