MATLAB: Declaring plot arguments/options beforehand


I would like to declare arguments of plot function once and beforehand, so than I can use them in a loop or for many plots, which would avoid clutter. I need something like optimset.
I want something like following
lineColor = {'k', 'r', 'b', 'm'};
linestyle = {'-'; '--'; ':'; '-.'};
options = {'color',lineColor{j}, 'LineStyle', linestyle{j}}
for j = 1:4
plot(X(:,j), Y(:,j), options)

Best Answer

lineColor = {'k', 'r', 'b', 'm'};
linestyle = {'-'; '--'; ':'; '-.'};
for j = 1:4
options = {'color',lineColor{j}, 'LineStyle', linestyle{j}};
plot(X(:,j), Y(:,j), options{:})