MATLAB: Dear all, i am trying to execute this code, but getting the error of “Error using vertcat Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent”… code is given below, please help me out.

channel capacitymimosvdwater filling algorthm

%program code
% in this programe a highly scattered enviroment is considered. The % Capacity of a MIMO channel with nt transmit antenna and nr recieve % antenna is analyzed. The power in parallel channel (after % decomposition) is distributed as water-filling algorithm
% the pdf of the matrix lanada elements is depicted too.
clear all close all clc
nt_V = [1 2 3 2 4 5 6 7 8]; nr_V = [1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8];
N0 = 1e-4; B = 1; Iteration = 1e4; % must be grater than 1e2
SNR_V_db = [-10:3:20]; SNR_V = 10.^(SNR_V_db/10);
color = ['b';'r';'g';'k';'c';'p';'o','d','g']; notation = ['-o';'->';'<-';'-^';'-s';'@';'#';'$';'%'];
for(k = 1 : 9) nt = nt_V(k); nr = nr_V(k); for(i = 1 : length(SNR_V)) Pt = N0 * SNR_V(i); for(j = 1 : Iteration) H = random('rayleigh',1,nr,nt); [S, V, D] = svd(H); landas(:,j) = diag(V); [Capacity(i,j), PowerAllo] = WaterFilling_alg(Pt,landas(:,j),B,N0); end end
f1 = figure(1);
hold on
f2 = figure(2);
hold on
[y,x] = hist(reshape(landas,[1,min(nt,nr)*Iteration]),100);
clear landas
f1 = figure(1);
legend_str = []; for( i = 1 : length(nt_V)) legend_str =[ legend_str ;… {['nt = ',num2str(nt_V(i)),' , nr = ',num2str(nr_V(i))]}]; end legend(legend_str) grid on set(f1,'color',[1 1 1]) xlabel('SNR in dB') ylabel('Capacity bits/s/Hz')
f2 = figure(2); legend(legend_str) grid on set(f2,'color',[1 1 1]) ylabel('pdf of elements in matrix landa in svd decomposition of marix H')
this is the code for self made function
function [Capacity PowerAllo] = WaterFilling_alg(PtotA,ChA,B,N0); % % WaterFilling in Optimising the Capacity %=============== % Initialization %=============== ChA = ChA + eps; NA = length(ChA); % the number of subchannels allocated to
H = ChA.^2/(B*N0); % the parameter relate to SNR in subchannels % assign the power to subchannel PowerAllo = (PtotA + sum(1./H))/NA – 1./H; while(length(find(PowerAllo < 0 ))>0) IndexN = find(PowerAllo <= 0 ); IndexP = find(PowerAllo > 0); MP = length(IndexP); PowerAllo(IndexN) = 0; ChAT = ChA(IndexP); HT = ChAT.^2/(B*N0); PowerAlloT = (PtotA + sum(1./HT))/MP – 1./HT; PowerAllo(IndexP) = PowerAlloT; end PowerAllo = PowerAllo.'; Capacity = sum(log2(1+ PowerAllo.' .* H));

Best Answer

dbstop if error
type the above said command at the command prompt before running the script, it'll you to the part of code where exactly this error occurs. Also keep track of workspace to debug.