MATLAB: Dealing with weird Data in Cell Array

cell arrayformating

I have the following data that is random throught a cell array. I need to remove the second decimal point on some of the data
LOLS Purge Supply – Standby.
GHe-W Supply – Standby.
So in this example I need 0.000320. to be equal 0.000320 so I can later plot this data. How do I remove the second decimal point on the data that has 2 decimal points?
Please any help would be greatly appreciated. -Aaron

Best Answer

C = {'LOLS Purge Supply - Standby.';'GHe-W Supply - Standby.';'0.000320.';'42.9333';'42.9333'}
D = regexprep(C,'\d\.$','')
EDIT Thanks to Walter for catching my error.
That last line should be:
D = regexprep(C,'(?<=\d)\.$','') % Use look-behind!