MATLAB: Split a string by a set of pre-defined number of characters rather than any delimiter


How to
1) First split a string by the number of chacters to five substrings, where sub string 1 has 19 characters and the rest of 4 substrings have only 13 chacaters?
Please note that I do not want to split using the tab or whitespace.
2) Remove any non dnumeric values (e.g. "- Psat" in the following example) and any white spaces from the resulting substrings?
Example: if S1 is my original string
S1= ' 961.666 - Psat 1.0000 45.0971 3.6734'
I want to have the final substrings as
'961.666', '1.0000', '45.0971' and '3.6734'

Best Answer

You could do that using regular expressions:
>> S1 = ' 961.666 - Psat 1.0000 45.0971 3.6734';
>> C = regexp(S1,'(.{19})(.{13})(.{13})(.{13})(.{13})','tokens','once');
>> C = regexprep(C,'[^\d\.]+','')
C =
'961.666' '1.0000' '' '45.0971' '3.6734'
Although I suspect that you probably want something more like this:
>> C = regexp(S1,'\d+\.\d*','match')
C =
'961.666' '1.0000' '45.0971' '3.6734'