MATLAB: Date conversion in a number format


Hey guys
I have an excel file with the date format like this: '03/06/2014 11:39:04.324 PM' I want to convert this date format into (yyyymmddhhmmssSSS)20140306233904324. If the time is PM, then the hour should be in the format of 24 hours. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

str = '03/06/2014 11:39:04.324 PM';
[date,rem] = strtok(str,'/');
[month,rem]= strtok(rem,'/');
[year,rem]=strtok(rem,' ');
year = regexprep(year,'/','');
hours = regexprep(hours,' ','');
[mins,rem] = strtok(rem,':');
sec = regexprep(sec,':','');
[msec,rem]= strtok(rem,' ');
[msec,y] = strtok(msec,'.');
if(strcmp(rem,' PM'))
hours = str2num(hours);
hours = hours+12;
hours = num2str(hours);
totaltime = [year date month hours mins sec msec]