MATLAB: Currently saving video to avi file. Can I add audio to the file

audioaviimage acquisitionvideo

I currently am successfully recording video to an avi file. I would like to record audio and add it to the same file. Is this possible?
%Create a video input object for the logitech webcam
vid = videoinput('winvideo',1 );
%Create an audio input object for the computer's microphone
audio = audiorecorder(sps,16,1,4);
% Grab every frame
% Specify a trigger to fire (specifically, fire a trigger after 100 frames)
set(vid, 'FramesPerTrigger', 100);
% Get a file name
Today = datestr(now, 'dd-mm-yyyy');
data_file = strcat(dataFolder, Today, '.avi');
% Create an AVI file object to hold the frames
avi = avifile(data_file,'fps',15, 'compression', 'none');
% Log the images
set(vid,'LoggingMode','disk'); % Log to disk
set(vid,'DiskLogger',avi); % Log the disk to the AVI file object
% Start the video input object
% Wait (i.e., block) for the given amount of time or until a trigger is
% fired (whichever comes first). In this case, the trigger
% will be fired after 100 frames.
% Note that other MATLAB code can be executing since the
% Image Acquisition Toolbox runs in another thread of execution
wait(vid,20); % Could use Inf
% After the trigger is fired...
% Get the AVI object
avi = get(vid,'DiskLogger');
% Close the AVI file
avi = close(avi);
% Free the hardware resources associated with the video input
% Remove the video object from the workspace
clear vid;

Best Answer

Only the Computer Vision Toolbox has the capability of working with combined audio and video.