MATLAB: Csvwrite with a double


Hello I am having a great deal of difficulty writing a 512 x 1 cell array of type double in a .MAT file to excel I tried this:
exportlist = get(handles.listbox2,'string')
%we need to change the directory to the chosen output and after we have %re-loaded the .mat file into the workspace convert the files %The evalin evaluates the expression in 'base' or workspace
for a = 1:length(exportlist) outloc =get(handles.CSV_file, 'string'); cdstring = ['cd(''' outloc ''')']; eval(cdstring); csvwrite([exportlist{a},'.csv'],evalin('base',cell2mat(exportlist{a})))
No dice. The error I get is this:
??? Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.
Error in ==> cell2mat at 44 cellclass = class(c{1});
Error in ==> MAT_to_Csv>convert_button_Callback at 319 csvwrite([exportlist{a},'.csv'],evalin('base',cell2mat(exportlist{a})))

Best Answer

No. Your line probably should be:
Read my answer to your other question. I think you should really consider the dynamic field names like Vars.(exportlist{a}) to avoid using eval().
Your eval(cdstring) could be replaced by cd(outloc)