MATLAB: Critical points on matlab

critical point

hi everyone, can someone explien how to get critical point for a list on matlab
this is my code and i want to get the critical point can someone help please
L = [0.5 0.7 0.8 1.3 1.5];
T = [1.433 1.667 1.784 2.280 2.450;
1.419 1.679 1.795 2.288 2.458;
1.405 1.691 1.806 2.297 2.466];
T_AVG= mean(T);
coefs = polyfit(L,T_AVG,2);
x2 = 0.5:1:1.5;
curve= polyval(coefs,x2);
title('Periodic time of a pendulum')
AVG = mean(T_AVG)
STD = std(T_AVG)
MAX = max(T_AVG)
MIN = min(T_AVG)
VAR = var(T_AVG)
this is my code and i want to get the critical point can someone help

Best Answer

r = roots(polyder(coefs));
criticalPts= = r(~imag(r))