MATLAB: How to plot



Best Answer

YOu need to proceed like this:
m = 300 ; n = 100 ;
x = linspace(0,100,m) ;
eta0 = 2 ;
L = 100 ;
W = 100 ;
v = 0.14 ;
t = 5.95 ;
y1 = linspace(-150,-50,n) ;
[X,Y1] = meshgrid(x,y1) ;
T1 = eta0*v*t/(2*L)*(1-cos(pi/50*X)).*(1-cos(pi/100*(Y1+150))) ;
y2 = linspace(-50,50,n) ;
[X,Y2] = meshgrid(x,y2) ;
T2 = eta0*v*t/L*(1-cos(pi/50*X)) ;
y3 = linspace(50,150,n) ;
[X,Y3] = meshgrid(x,y3) ;
T3 = eta0*v*t/(2*L)*(1-cos(pi/50*X)).*(1+cos(pi/100*(Y3-150))) ;
X = [X ; X; X] ;
Y = [Y1 ; Y2 ;Y3] ;
eta = [T1 ; T2 ; T3] ;
surf(X,Y,eta) ;
You need to make some changes in the above code...which you should figure out.
This is the intitial deformation for tusnami.By the way I am interested to know the reference of this document; can you share the document.