MATLAB: Creating a counter loop in MatLab, GUI


Hello, i'm trying to create a loop counter that will add increments of 1 every time I click a pushbutton. I don't really have any code as of yet since i'm new to programming but i've figured how to detect the button being pushed, and display a number in the static text. It keeps displaying '1', how do I display 1,2,3,…..n for every push? Here is what I have so far. Thanks a bunch
a = 0;
if (handles.pushbutton5)
a = a + 1;

Best Answer

I would avoid mixing the string and the numerical representation, although both are equivalent in this case. So you can add in the opening function:
set(handles.pushbutton5, 'UserData', 0);
and in the callback of this pushbutton:
function pushbutton5_Callback(hObject, EventData, handles)
counter = get(hObject, 'UserData') + 1;
set(hObject, 'UserData', counter);
set(handles.text8, 'String', sprintf('%d', counter));
If the field "text8" is missing, see FAQ: incomplete handles struct