MATLAB: How to use created edit texts that were created by a pushbutton and (currently) have the same name

edit textguiguideMATLABobject tagpushbuttonuicontrol

I am currently making a GUI in guide. I created a pushbutton in guide. This button creates two edit texts (load;speed) that are created via code inside the GUI in the callback function of the pushbutton. The present code works fine (creates new and newer bias points), but i dont know how to reference them in my code (how to get their values) since i dont know their 'Tag'-s. I can use the first load and speed values, since i created them in guide, so i get them by their tag properties. Also, in my version, all of the button-created load and speed edit boxes have the same name (textload, textspeed).
Anyway, here's that part of my code, I hope you can help me:
in the opening function:
handles.basepos1 = [567 380 187 55]; handles.basepos2 = [874 380 187 55]; set(handles.newpoint, 'UserData', 0);
in the pushbutton's callback function:
counter = get(hObject, 'UserData') + 1; set(hObject, 'UserData', counter); delta= [0 -80 0 0]; basepos_1 = handles.basepos1 + counter * delta; basepos_2 = handles.basepos2 + counter * delta; textload = uicontrol(handles.p1, 'Style', 'edit', 'String', 'Load (N)', 'Position', basepos_1); textspeed = uicontrol(handles.p1, 'Style', 'edit', 'String', 'Speed (m/s)', 'Position', basepos_2);

Best Answer

Your "tag" is pretty much the variable name you store the uicontrol handle to.
handles.textload = uicontrol(handles.p1, 'Style', 'edit', 'String', 'Load (N)', 'Position', basepos_1);
handles.textspeed = uicontrol(handles.p1, 'Style', 'edit', 'String', 'Speed (m/s)', 'Position', basepos_2);
guidata(hObject, handles)
%Now you can get the handles of the textload and textspeed
set(handles.textload, 'string', 'loading');