MATLAB: Create vector/matrix inside function

MATLAB and Simulink Student Suitematrixvector

Hi All,
I have a simple function file.
If I put something like this inside the function file; A = [1 2 3 4];
It will display this in the command window;
A = 1 2 3 4
But it won't save A in the Workspace as a vector.
How can I create a vector inside a function file and have that vector saved to my Workspace?

Best Answer

You return it as an output argument.
Like the MATLAB documentation clearly states, the best practice is to pass arguments:
So your function could be something like:
function [ct,A] = critPT( ... )
A = ...
ct = ...
and then call it:
[NewCT,newA] = critPT(...)
Note: the fact that you do not "see" the variable A in the base workspace is the whole point of functions: they should have independent workspaces, so that what happens inside any one function does not affect any other workspace. That is the point.