MATLAB: Create n matrix from one matrix according to elements of a column


I have a sorted matrix (according to the element of the third column)
A = [ 4 2 0 ;3 7 0 ; 8 9 3 ; 7 5 3; 4 4 3]
I want to get n matrix (in this case 2) from A, according to the value of the element of the third column, to get
M1 = [ 4 2 0 ; 3 7 0]
M2 = [8 9 3 ; 7 5 3; 4 4 3].
I know how many matrix I will have and the different elements to study using the function 'unique' that provide me a matrix (for this case) B=[0;3].
I tried with the functions 'genvarname' and 'eval' but I didn't find a good solution.

Best Answer

[~,~,c] = unique(A(:,end));
M = accumarray(c,(1:size(A,1))',[],@(x){A(x,:)});