MATLAB: Create legend including tex symbols and elements from float array


Hi all
I have an array of floats
eps = [0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3];
and I would like to use it as input into my legend (replace the hardcoded numbers):
legend({'\epsilon = 0.10','\epsilon = 0.15','\epsilon = 0.20','\epsilon = 0.25','\epsilon = 0.30'},...
Highly appreciating any ideas! Devin

Best Answer

This works:
epsln = [0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3];
lgdstr = regexp(sprintf('\\epsilon = %.2f\n', epsln), '\n', 'split');
legend(lgdstr(1:end-1), 'Interpreter','tex','FontSize',5.5,'Location','NorthEast')