MATLAB: Legend issue: not all the entrties are shown.


Hello there,
I am having trouble with my legend.
I have single plot, and then I typed "hold on" and added a curve to my plot.
I cannot insert a correct legend though!
How is this possible?
Thank you in advance.
plot(linspace(0.03,0.3), poiseuille(linspace(0.03,0.3)),'k')
axis([0 0.3 0 12])
title('Velocity profiles for $\epsilon = 0.1$','Interpreter','latex',...
xlabel('$r$ [m]','Interpreter','latex','fontweight','bold','fontsize',20);
ylabel('$u=u(r,t=0)$ [m/s]','Interpreter','latex',...
leg_1 = legend('Poiseuille' );
hold on
plot(linspace(0.03,0.3), vel((1:100), 0),'color', [0.3 0.3 0.55])
leg_2 = legend( {'$\alpha = 0.1$'}, 'Interpreter','latex' );
hold on

Best Answer

You can only add one legend to the axis. So to solve your problem put all the names in one legend call. You may modify your code to do like this:
%leg_1 = legend('Poiseuille' );
% rest of your code
leg_2 = legend( {'Poiseuille', '$\alpha = 0.1$'}, 'Interpreter','latex' );
hold on