MATLAB: Create an array with a for loop that refers to n user defined itterations

arraym-fileMATLABmatlab editor

I am trying to create an array of length n that is completely dependent on user prompted inputs. Here is the code that I have so far:
N = input('Enter Number of Nodes: \n'); Nnodes = 1:1:N; Npipes = 1:1:N-1;
for Nnode = 1:N
X = input('Enter x-position: \n');
Y = input('Enter elevation: \n');
For each iteration, I want the X and Y values to be stored as separate arrays.
Thank you!

Best Answer

Just put the values into vectors, like this:
N = str2double(input('Enter number of nodes: ','s'));
X = NaN(1,N);
Y = NaN(1,N);
for k = 1:N
X(k) = str2double(input('Enter x-position: ','s'));
Y(k) = str2double(input('Enter elevation: ','s'));
Avoid creating dynamically named variables in MATLAB: