MATLAB: Create a randomized grouping matrix using one-liner

block designrandomized grouping matrixrandomized matrix

I'm trying to generate a randomized n x m, n>m, matrix that has a single 1 in a random column and 0s elsewhere for every row. It's easy with a for loop:
M = 10;
n = 150;
subj = zeros(n*M,M);
for subj_i = 1:n*M
subj(subj_i,randi(M)) = 1
But I'm trying to find a one-liner, here's my attempt:
subj = zeros(n*M,M);
subj(1:n*M,randi(M,1,n*M)) = 1
But it keeps generating all ones everywhere. It'd be great to not even need the initial zeros declaration and to have the option of each column having the same total.
I figured out how to do it using the Statistics and Machine Learning toolbox, but it'd be good to figure out a way without it, and, again, some way to have equal group sizes would be nice:

Best Answer

Without the constraints, and without initialization,
>> R=[1:N].'; C=randi(M,N,1); % N,M num rows, columns respectively
>> accumarray([R C],ones(N,1))
ans =
0 1 0
0 0 1
1 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
Runs the risk if N,M small can always not have every column in every realization of C (then again, it is a random permutation you say).
W/ initialization can ensure output will be full rank of NxM with
>> A=zeros(N,M);
>> A(sub2ind([N,M],R,C))=1
A =
0 1 0
0 0 1
1 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0