MATLAB: How to create a symmetric random matrix


I need to create a random matrix meeting the following conditions:
– The values on the main diagonal are between a given range (e.g., 0 to 1000000)
– Each value on the diagonal is randomly distributed/spread in its corresponding row and column vectors.
– The matrix is symmetric (that is to say, corresponding values in upper and lower triangles are the same)
Any help will be highly appreciated.

Best Answer

Let the random matrix to be generated be called M and its size be NxN.
d = 1000000*rand(N,1); % The diagonal values
t = triu(bsxfun(@min,d,d.').*rand(N),1); % The upper trianglar random values
M = diag(d)+t+t.'; % Put them together in a symmetric matrix
If you want whole numbers, apply the 'floor' function to 'd' and then after computing 't', apply it to 't'.