MATLAB: Create a Matrix from a cell array

cell arraysmatrix

This might be answered best by improving how this data is imported into MATLAB, as textscan or importdata might be able to do this quite easily. Are those data imported from a file?

Best Answer

Your post is not very clear, not help with the fact that your example does not use valid matlab syntax. Possibly, that's what you want:
ratings = {'Value,Rooms,Cleanliness,Service', '2 of 5 stars,2 of 5 stars,4 of 5 stars,2 of 5 stars'; ...
'Value,Location,Sleep Quality,Rooms,Cleanliness,Service', '5 of 5 stars,5 of 5 stars,5 of 5 stars,5 of 5 stars,5 of 5 stars,5 of 5 stars'; ...
'Location,Rooms,Cleanliness,Service', '4 of 5 stars,1 of 5 stars,3 of 5 stars,4 of 5 stars'}
%The above is not a very useful way to store data, so split it:
ratinglabels = cellfun(@(r) strsplit(r, ','), ratings(:, 1), 'UniformOutput', false);
ratingscores = cellfun(@(r) str2double(regexp(r, '\d+(?= of)', 'match')), ratings(:, 2), 'UniformOutput', false); %extract score
%get unique labels, and mapping between original array and label column:
[labels, ~, destinationcolumn] = unique([ratinglabels{:}]);
%get row destination for each score:
destinationrow = repelem(1:size(ratings, 1), cellfun(@numel, ratingscores))';
%create output matrix and fill with score. Default value if score is missing is NaN:
scores = nan(size(ratings, 1), numel(labels));
scores(sub2ind(size(scores), destinationrow, destinationcolumn)) = [ratingscores{:}];
%pretty display:
scores = array2table(scores, 'VariableNames', matlab.lang.makeValidName(labels))
%export to excel:
writetable(scores, 'someexcelfile.xlsx');