MATLAB: Could someone please help me create a three-column array


I have "NCY Diseases" data with the following variables:
chickenPox (41×12 double)
measles (41×12 double)
mumps (41×12 double)
years (41×1 double)
I am told to load the NYC diesases data sets (NYCDiseases.mat).
Create variable called diseases that holds a three-column array.
The first column is the monthly counts of measles, the second column is the monthly counts of mumps, and the third column is the monthly counts of chicken pox.
Could anyone help me on how I should approach this type of command? Would I be using the "reshape"?
Thank you, I'd really appreciate help on this.

Best Answer

Here is my guess as to what you mean:
M = [mean(chickenPox,1).',mean(measles,1).',mean(mumps,1).'];
Each value in M is the average number of the respective diseases over the 41 year period for the month corresponding to the row number. There will be 12 rows and 3 columns.